Worldwide shipping from Germany

Consumables from all major print manufacturers

Data protection

§ 1. General

Your personal data (e.g. title, name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, bank details, credit card number) will only be processed by us in accordance with the provisions of German data protection law and the data protection law of the European Union (EU). In addition to the processing purposes, recipients, legal bases, storage periods, the following regulations also inform you about your rights and the person responsible for your data processing. This privacy policy only applies to our websites. If you are redirected to other sites via links on our site, please inform yourself there about the respective handling of your data. 


§ 2 Data processing for the fulfillment of the contract
(1) Purpose of Processing

Your personal data, which you make available to us in the ordering process, is required for the conclusion of a contract with us. You are not obliged to provide your personal data. However, we cannot send you the goods without your address. For some payment methods, we need the necessary payment data in order to pass them on to a payment service provider commissioned by us. The processing of your data entered in the ordering process is therefore for the purpose of fulfilling the contract.

If you send us an inquiry by e-mail, via a contact form etc. before the contract is concluded, we will process the data received in this way to carry out pre-contractual measures and answer your questions about our products, for example.

(2) Legal Basis

The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 Para. 1 b) GDPR.

(3) Recipient Categories

Payment service providers, shipping service providers, hosting providers, possibly merchandise management systems, possibly suppliers (dropshipping).

(4) Retention Period

We store the data required to process the contract until the statutory warranty and, if applicable, contractual warranty periods have expired.

We store the data required under commercial and tax law for the legally specified periods, usually ten years (cf. § 257 HGB, § 147 AO).

The data processed to carry out pre-contractual measures will be deleted as soon as the measures have been carried out and a contract is clearly not concluded. 


§ 3 Web analysis with Google Analytics
(1) Purpose of Processing

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files that are stored on your computer and enable an analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. If IP anonymization is activated on this website, your IP address will be shortened beforehand by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage to the website operator.

(2) Legal Basis

The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 Para. 1a) GDPR.

(3) Recipient Categories

Google and its affiliates.

(4) Transfer to a third country

Google Ireland Limited is an affiliate of Google LLC. Google LLC is based in the USA (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043) and is certified for the US-European data protection agreement "Privacy Shield", which ensures compliance with the data protection level applicable in the EU.

(5) Retention Period

14 Fun


You can prevent the storage of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly; we would like to point out to you however that in this case you will if applicable not be able to use all functions of this website in full. You can also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) and from processing this data by Google by downloading the browser plug-in available under the following link and install: opt-out

You can also prevent the collection by setting an opt-out cookie. If you wish to prevent the future collection of your data when you visit this website, please click here: Disable Google Analytics


§ 4 The PayPal Transaction
Please note that all PayPal transactions are subject to the PayPal Privacy Policy: 


§ 5 Information about cookies
(1) Purpose of Processing

Technically necessary cookies are used on this website. These are small text files that are not permanently stored in or by your internet browser on your computer system. These cookies make it possible, for example, to place several products in a shopping cart.

Other cookies remain permanent and recognize your browser on your next visit. These cookies enable you, for example, to permanently save your passwords for a customer account.

(2) Legal Basis

The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 Para.1 f) GDPR.

(3) Legitimate Interest

Our legitimate interest is the functionality of our website. The user data collected by technically necessary cookies and the long-term cookies described here are not used to create user profiles. This protects your interest in data protection.

(4) Retention Period

The technically necessary cookies are usually deleted when the browser is closed. Permanently stored cookies have different lifespans, from a few minutes to several years.


If you do not want these cookies to be saved, please deactivate the acceptance of these cookies in your internet browser. However, this can result in a functional restriction of our website. You can also delete permanently stored cookies at any time via your browser. 


§ 6 Your rights as a data subject
If your personal data is processed, you are a data subject within the meaning of the GDPR and you have the following rights vis-à-vis us as the person responsible:


  1. right to information

Within the scope of Art. 15 GDPR, you can request information about your personal data processed by us. 

  1. Right to Rectification

If the information concerning you is not (or no longer) correct, you can request a correction in accordance with Art. 16 GDPR. If your data is incomplete, you can request a completion. 

  1. Right to Erasure

Under the conditions of Art. 17 GDPR, you can request the deletion of your personal data. 

  1. Right to restriction of processing

Within the framework of the requirements of Art. 18 GDPR, you have the right to demand a restriction of the processing of the data concerning you. 

  1. Right to data portability

According to Art. 20 GDPR, you have the right to receive the personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, common and machine-readable format or to request transmission to another person responsible. 

  1. Right to revoke the declaration of consent under data protection law

According to Art. 7 Para. 3 GDPR, you have the right to revoke your declaration of consent under data protection law at any time. This does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the revocation. 

  1. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

If you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority under Art. to. 


Please also note your right of objection under Art. 21 GDPR:


  1. a) General: reasoned objection required

Is the processing of personal data concerning you carried out?

- to protect our overriding legitimate interest (legal basis according to Art. 6 Para. 1 f) DSGVO) or

- in the public interest (legal basis according to Art. 6 Para. 1 e) GDPR),

you have the right to object to the processing at any time for reasons arising from your particular situation; this also applies to profiling based on the provisions of the GDPR. 

In the event of an objection, we will no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. 

  1. b) Special case of direct advertising: a simple objection is sufficient

If the personal data concerning you is processed in order to operate direct advertising, you have the right to object to this processing at any time and without giving reasons; this also applies to profiling insofar as it is associated with such direct advertising. 

If you object to the processing for direct marketing purposes, the personal data relating to you will no longer be processed for these purposes. 


Responsible for data processing:

Pulveri International GmbH, Wittelsbacher Str. 14, 82110 Germering, telephone: 0211 - 301 22 404,